
Showing posts from February, 2019

Karcher FC5 Hard Floor Cleaner | Review | Malaysia |

As you seen last week about the KÄRCHER Challenge: Make Impossible Cleaning Possible, I participated in KÄRCHER Challenge and get to experience their products. Now I've put the KÄRCHER FC5 through its paces and want to share my experiences with you. The Kärcher FC 5 combines 2 cleaning processes in one. It wipes and soaks, thanks to the routinely routed microfiber rollers supplying itself with clean water and detergent. First I would like to go into the handling. Basically, the operation reminds me strongly of a vacuum cleaner. The rotating rollers make it easy to move A rotate on the foot gives the FC5 a great verb, You get better in corners and a little deeper under sofas or closets. It has a two-tank cleaning system, one for dirty water with an automatic stopping mechanism in place for avoiding the overflow of dirty water back onto your clean floors, and one for clean water. The dual tank system assures that the clean and dirty water never get mixed together ...

KÄRCHER Challenge: Make Impossible Cleaning Possible

Have you heard about KÄRCHER ? If you are a hardworking and concern about house cleanliness you should know about KÄRCHER. KÄRCHER is Malaysian Favourite house tools that offers you worth of money good helper. Is the perfect time to own any of the KÄRCHER product Since GST% is wave for all Malaysian, Great news makes Everyone happy. Register and become a part of the "KÄRCHER CHALLENGE: Make Impossible Cleaning Possible" contest. NOW!! NOW!! NOW!!   -PHOTO- I have to SHOUT IT LOUD to all my reader out there that KÄRCHER Malaysia giving out their product worth of RM60,000 and 1,000 MOVIE TICKETS up for grabs!. Don't gets confuse between KÄRCHER CHALLENGE and MINI KÄRCHER CHALLENGE, Let me tells you the different. KÄRCHER CHALLENGE is for those who purchase of any Kärcher’s product for qualification entry and MINI KÄRCHER CHALLENGE is for those not purchasing any KÄRCHER product. Since if you looking a long lasting house cleaning tools, Why not get one and participat...