Karcher FC5 Hard Floor Cleaner | Review | Malaysia |

As you seen last week about the KÄRCHER Challenge: Make Impossible Cleaning Possible, I participated in KÄRCHER Challenge and get to experience their products. Now I've put the KÄRCHER FC5 through its paces and want to share my experiences with you. The Kärcher FC 5 combines 2 cleaning processes in one. It wipes and soaks, thanks to the routinely routed microfiber rollers supplying itself with clean water and detergent. First I would like to go into the handling. Basically, the operation reminds me strongly of a vacuum cleaner. The rotating rollers make it easy to move A rotate on the foot gives the FC5 a great verb, You get better in corners and a little deeper under sofas or closets. It has a two-tank cleaning system, one for dirty water with an automatic stopping mechanism in place for avoiding the overflow of dirty water back onto your clean floors, and one for clean water. The dual tank system assures that the clean and dirty water never get mixed together ...