Bakery Category Challenges 2018 , Malaysia

An unrivalled leader in the dairy foodservice industry, Anchor Food Professionals is once again doing their bid to raise the benchmark in the industry by hosting the highly anticipated Anchor Food Professionals Pastry & Culinary Challenge 2018 . The Challenge is a four-day competition starting 13 until 16 March based on three categories namely Culinary, Cake and Pastries. Culinary and Pastry maestros have been invited to form the luminary panel of judges with Chef Jean Francois Arnaud MOF serving as the Head Judge in Pastry Category, along with Chef Nazeri Ismail, and Chef Arthur Heng in this category. In the Culinary Category, Chef Gerhard Albrecht serves as the Head Judge, along with Chef Fami Taufeq and Chef Sabri Hassan. Today is final day of the Pastry and Culinary Challenge 2018 organized by Anchor Food Professional at KDU Glenmarie Shah Alam , there are Four categories of competitions : Best Pastry - Bakery Category (March 13). Best Cake - Bakery Category ...