
Showing posts from April, 2017

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Piccolo - Malaysia Review

NESCAFÉ , the famous name synonymous with cups of aromatic coffee , combines more than 75 years of coffee-making expertise with advanced technology to bring us to exceptional coffee experience with its latest NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Piccolo  Barista Machine . With a wide selection of coffees , Teas and Chocolates Drinks that we can easily be the role of a barista at home or office .  The  Nescafe  Dolce Gusto was a good little capsule-based coffee machine . It’s extremely easy to use . Put it in a Capsule , pull the trigger then you have your coffee ready . Thanks to  Involve Asia for having me to experience the barista machine . Wide range of drinks it can make : CAPPUCCINO CAFÉ AU LAIT LUNGO GRANDE INTENSO ESPRESSO ESPRESSO INTENSO RISTRETTO ARDENZA CORTADO LATTE MACCHIATO VANILLA LATTE MACCHIATO CARAMEL LATTE MACCHIATO MOCHA CHAI TEA LATTE GREEN TEA LATTE TEA LATTE CHOCOCINO CAPPUCCINO ICE MILK CAPSULE Many much More , ...

Songkran Sky Festival 2017 @ Stratosphere at The Roof

Petaling Jaya , 16th April 2017 - PJ's Biggest Songkran Sky Festival @ Stratosphere at The Roof . Party on top of the high rise building Helipad . From watching the beautiful sunset till the moon rise . feat with 8 DJs on best of local line ups for hiphop , reggae , funk , garage , deep/progressive house & EDM and party with dose of water fun activities on the highest floor of 1st avenue . #songkranskyfestival #stratospheretheroof #PROJECTEDFP #party #theroof The party was started from 3PM on the evening and ended at 1am Midnight , Stratosphere intentionally start the party ealier because they wish everyone can witness and enjoy the sunset view while getting wet from Watergun fight and Water Balloons war . We reached Stratosphere @ The Roof at 6.30PM and saw everyone started to get wet , awesome setup placed four big water tank filled up full with water . Everyone holding either big or small watergun splashing each others , Even enjoying the splash with cup...

i1happyhour - Malaysia 1st Beer Mobile App

Malaysia most leading Crazy Beer promotion mobile app i1happyhour " I Want Happy Hour" In Malaysia , Happy Hour is a famous dialog among office employees or employers  after working hours on the Evening , Rather having few pints of beer with  colleague than stuck in the massive jam on the highway especially in the town to go home . In this case , i1happyhour platform has been born to offer the promotion services for customers to enjoy the day and save more from your pocket , a mobile apps that spend less and achieve more . Enjoy wide selection that more than 50 outlets of restaurants & bars around Malaysia and for sure there will much more coming in the future , definitely you will experience the perfect party ever ! App Store : Google Play :   In i1happyhour mobile apps , users can purchase great value of voucher on food & drinks and then redeem it at i1happyhour me...

The Greens @ Subang West , Malaysia

谁不想 拥有 个房屋? 没有房屋的人 又想拥有一个,有了一间房屋 的 又想买第二间来投资. 买房屋不像在巴刹买菜那么容易,要做好预测, 要 看好那间发展商 的 公司 ,地点和将来附近会有什么起色.每一举一动都很重要,不然就会很后悔. 看好了时机,功课也做好了的活就可以想想投资个房屋啦 .有时身边的家人或者是朋友都会劝我说看好先或明年后年会跌价,一年又一年然后又一年,看到的是价钱是一直上. 今天看来有点时间就走走看附近的房屋展厅,转转下来到了这房屋展厅叫做 The Greens @ Subang West在三条石 ,这栋公寓就在联邦公路旁转几个弯就到了. The Greens 是永久地契住宅楼共有六百四十六单元公寓发展,在一个七英亩的土地上,总发展额达四百亿令吉.这公寓有八种不同类型的设计,建设范围从九百十五方尺到一千九百三十方尺 , 价格从四百八十二千令吉起 ,预计在明年六月将会完成. 够大的用餐范围,不大不小的厨房.如果每天都有女人这样煮好料的早餐和晚餐 给我吃,我会觉得很辛福 和满足 了, 所以家里有个女人会更好 . 哈哈 把客厅弄真这装饰也不错,舒服的来又简单 第三小房,虽然有点 小但这个房间节省空间的设计真满足 第二小房,二房大三房一点可方进大号床简单设计 在二房和三房外面的浴室/厕所,感觉上有点豪华 如果我得到这样的大房我已经很足够了,每晚都可以睡的很舒服到天亮呢.可以有自己的 浴室/厕所, 如果有个浴缸更爽可以浸泡到脱皮!! 发展商很注重生活上的健康所以他们用了一百二十千方尺的地建四十五个设备和公园,拥有蓝球场,室内和室外健身房馆,脚底按摩走道,瑜伽甲板,游泳池,BBQ露台,社交休息室,自行车道,桑拿房等等......太多啦,多到讲不完。你自己去看就知道咯. 说到保安方面发展商提高了多层次的安全系统还营造可靠的安全生活环境. The Greens @ Subang West Show Unit & Sales Gallery G-13A, Alam Sanjung Serviced Apartments, Jalan Budiman 22/3, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Website: ww...